Friday, May 18, 2012

Reason #15

Rainbows... Yeah they got those here.  In fact I don't think rainbows can be avoided in any shape or form here.  There is something so magical about the intricate colors that appear in a dark rainy sky or puffy white cloud, that does nothing but bring a smile to any person's face.  In fact I have to credit a rainbow with helping me decide to move out here to Hawaii, so I guess I am forever grateful.  Here is the rainbow that changed my life about 8 months ago....

I was coming from the Big Island back to Oahu to finish out my stay with my grandparents and it just happened that this wonderful spectrum was the gateway to my new dreams and in this moment as our plane rode under the colors I knew that this was the greatest sign I could ask for.  It took my breath away and I have never looked back since.  

Since rainbows are basically a daily occurrence here, it gets to be a fun game of "who can spot the rainbow first"  I guess it would be the equivalent of slug bug island style.  But seriously Hawaiians take their rainbows seriously.  I mean, when the license plate has a big one across it, driver's licenses have them, even the University Athletic teams are called the Rainbows, I think it is safe to say, yes, Hawaii has rainbows, and boy are they something beyond magical.  

Reason #14

Lunch Breaks by the Beach....yes please!  I seriously don't know how I got so lucky, and I can never really express my gratitude fully for the experiences I am able to have.  This would include the fact that not only do I have a FANTASTIC job that I enjoy to the fullest, but that on my one hour lunch break I get to take a 5 minute walk out of the office doors and get to Ala Moana Beach Park and see this...

I am not sure if the others in my office realize where we live, but while they heat their food up and sit around our break room tables I wander outside and pick a nice sitting spot on the beach, sandwich in hand and fruit cup on the side.  It feels like those field trips to the zoo or aquarium, where the best part of the day was sitting in an amazing place and taking out your homemade lunch..... peanut butter and jelly never tasted sooooo good!  That's how I feel daily, and it brings lunchtime excitement a whole new meaning. Nothing like showing back to the office a shade tanner!  Who new work could be so relaxing :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reason #13

Before I continue, my apologies for the delay, I may have lost some supporters along the way who have given up on the blog, but rest assured that I have a slew of posts on the horizon waiting to be written beginning with this one...

The ELEVATOR PHENOMENON as I like to call it truly captures the essence of Aloha!  Since most of the buildings in Honolulu are several stories and usually more than 20, the elevator has come to represent the gathering place of the community.  For lack of better words, the people in Hawaii seem to greet others in the elevator as if they were stepping foot in their very own apartment.  I am pretty sure only on rare occasions have I ridden the elevator, whether at my grandparents 37 story high rise or my current 5th floor location, and a warm greeting, conversation, laugh or even hug was not exchanged.

When I think of all the metropolitan cities I have visited, I can't think of a single city that can compare, where I get so excited to know that I am one step closer to meeting a new friend simply by taking an elevator trip up.  In fact, the elevator phenomenon is so apparent, that recently I was going up to my apartment, and must have been daydreaming, because when I left the elevator I did not say anything to the  young lady riding alongside.  I have to say that I actually felt guilty that I did not say goodbye to her or wish her a good day.  I felt like a jerk.  That is how the elevator phenomenon works.  With so much goodness constantly around you, it seeps in and never leaves.  Just another reason I love this place, where each and everyday I leave the house I get to experience a ride of a lifetime.