Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reason #7

Diamond Head Community Garden... Just up Diamond Head Road there is a magnificent lookout area where locals, surfers, tourists and pretty much anyone else trying to escape the crowds of Waikiki go to watch endless hours of surfers battle the waves at "Cliffs."  Well in my years of visiting, this has been one of my favorite meditation and relaxation activities.  Sitting on the edge of the lava wall looking beyond an incredible garden of greenery (and when in bloom, multiple varieties of Hibiscus) and usually getting lost in the sea of blue ahead.  It wasn't until very recently I came to learn the story behind this garden of joy.  In 1999 three surfers started bringing jugs of water in their cars to wash their feet of all the mud and rock that would be stuck on them from the climb up the cliffside.  In a short period of time they realized that this water source brought the hillside to life, and little sprouts of grass started covering the ground.  They purposefully began bringing a lot more water specifically for the land and eventually each of the surfers also contributed plants.  Even papaya seeds that dropped from someone's breakfast have turned into trees lining the garden.   Today it has become a community activity, as surfers and locals can be found each morning weeding, pruning and maintaining this place of beauty for all to enjoy.  From one person who takes advantage of this garden of love, I say thank you surfing community for this wonderful gift.

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