Sunday, April 15, 2012

Reason #8

Tantalus Road...  About 10 minutes from Waikiki will get you to the base of the Ko'olau mountain range, and if GPS doesn't take you astray you can find yourself on Tantalus Road (anyone visiting PLEASE put this on your list of places to go, you can drive up to the top and back down and the views alone will be worth it).  Through the heart of the rainforest this winding road manages to showcase Honolulu at its finest with some of the most breathtaking views and for a moment you forget that you were just in a city.  Lush and tropical and the beautiful sounds of birds and wildlife fill the air.  Off of the drive are numerous trailheads including one of my favorites, the Bamboo Forest.  Yesterday my friend Alessa and I had the fortune of a GORGEOUS day up at the mountain and conquered about 2.5 hours of hiking, simply enough to take my breath away as that place always does.  One of the coolest parts of the hike is that with the right amount of wind all the bamboo will begin swaying and knocking agains each other creating a fantastic wind chime effect.  But the best part of the day was on the drive down and what do we see on the side of the road... 2 piglets running along, each no bigger than a ferrel kitten!  For those who know me well can guess that it just about put me over the edge in the cute department haha.  It was amazing, and a first for me on the mountain, they were so precious! I just hope they make it safe and sound wherever they were going.  I'd say Tantalus Road made the day so special and I look forward to taking all my visitors up that winding abyss.

1 comment:

  1. BAH! I wanted to call you to see if you were up for hiking! I SHOULD HAVE CALLED AHHH!!!
